About A learning a day

A learning a day, since May 12 2008, by Rohan.

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Delay between negative actions and consequences

2024-05-19 19:16:00

A simple way to understand how meritocratic and apolitical an organization is by observing the delay between negative/value destroying actions and consequences. The more the delay, the more the politics.

Credit and character

2024-05-18 19:02:00

A mark of a person’s strength of character is the likelihood they give someone credit where it is due in situations where they don’t have to.

Writing on the inside of the ring

2024-05-17 19:02:00

I read a story nearly twenty-five years about a young man who received a ring as a gift from his dying father. He thought of the ring as his good luck charm and wore it every day since. A few years later, he went through a horrible spell and was on the verge of losing … Continue reading Writing on the inside of the ring

Debate best practice

2024-05-16 19:13:00

A best practice in any debate – take the time to articulate the opposing viewpoint before sharing a counter point. The more heated the debate, the harder this is to do.


2024-05-15 19:21:00

“Frame failure as an AFOG (Another F*cking Opportunity for Growth). You are more likely to recover from failure if you invest energy into unpacking the lessons.” | Prof Carole Robin I was reflecting on a couple of my recent failures and chuckled as I remembered reading this. It gets to my recent note about ordeals. … Continue reading AFOG

Productive disagreements

2024-05-14 19:28:00

The art of productive disagreements is to ignore the specific issue at hand and, instead, figure out the underlying principle at the source of the disagreement. Two things happen as a result – (1) When we’re aligned on the principle, it becomes much easier to debate alternative tactics to achieve the end outcome (2) When … Continue reading Productive disagreements

16 years

2024-05-13 19:43:00

This blog turned 16 on Saturday. There have been 6,674 posts in those 5,844 days. I sometimes joke that this blog should have been titled “a reminder a day” because of how hard it is to learn. To learn and not to do is not to learn. So, we only learn something when it becomes … Continue reading 16 years


2024-05-12 19:59:00

I spent a good chunk of time recently sitting outdoors and listening to the birds chirping. Natural sounds have a way of being peaceful. This setting was no exception. I’ve sat in that same spot so many times over the past couple of years. I’ve rarely heard the birds chirping. That’s because there’s always some … Continue reading Chirping

Wanting what you’ve got

2024-05-11 19:28:00

“Happiness isn’t having what you want, it is wanting what you’ve got.” It resonated.

A time we never knew

2024-05-10 19:14:00

I read a post from a Gen Z writer Freya India that was equal parts thoughtful, poignant, and painful to read. Here are a few excerpts. There is a beautiful and melancholic word I like called anemoia. It means nostalgia for a time or a place one has never known. But perhaps the best example of anemoia is the popularity … Continue reading A time we never knew